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Blog: Blog der Stadtbibliothek Göttingen
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Term: Fremdsprachige Literatur
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Blog der Stadtbibliothek Göttingen - SuperUser Account
Nuala O’Connor schildert in "Nora" das Leben von James Joyce und seiner Lebensgefährtin Nora Barnacle.
Medium: Buch
Genre: Biographie, englischer Roman
Altersempfehlung: Erwachsene
Umfang: 459 Seiten und 12 Seiten
Standort: 2. OG, Roman englisch Biographie Odon
Das Medium im Katalog: Verfügbarkeit prüfen
Klappentext: Nora Barnacle ist zwanzig und Zimmermädchen in einem Dubliner Hotel, als sie den zwei Jahre älteren James Joyce kennenlernt. Aus der zunächst körperlichen Beziehung entwickelt sich eine tiefe Liebe. Nora ist bereit, alles für Joyce aufzugeben – verlässt mit ihm sogar ihre Heimat Irland, trotz seiner Weigerung, sie zu heiraten. Schwierige Jahre in Triest, Pula und Zürich folgen, geprägt von großer Armut, von Joyce‘ Trunksucht und von seinem labilen Gesundheitszustand, vor allem aber von seiner Besessenheit: Für ihn zählt nur sein literarisches Werk. Es ist Nora, die die Familie über Wasser hält und mit Joyce dem literarischen Durchbruch entgegenfiebert.
Blog der Stadtbibliothek Göttingen - SuperUser Account
Von uns für Sie gelesen: "Open Water" von Caleb Azumah Nelson. Hier schildert unsere Bibliotheksleiterin ihre Eindrücke:
Genre: Roman / Gesellschaft
Altersempfehlung: Erwachsene
Umfang: 166 Seiten
Standort: Roman englisch Gesellschaft Nels (2. OG, Fremdsprachen)
Das Buch im Katalog: Verfügbar?
Klappentext: Two young people meet at a pub in South East London. Both are Black British, both won scholarships to private schools where they struggled to belong, both are now artists - he a photographer, she a dancer - trying to make their mark in a city that by turns celebrates and rejects them. Tentatively, tenderly, they fall in love. But two people who seem destined to be together can still be torn apart by fear and violence.
At once an achingly beautiful love story and a potent insight into race and masculinity, Open Water asks what it means to be a person in a world that sees you only as a Black body, to be vulnerable when you are only respected for strength, to find safety in love, only to lose it. With gorgeous, soulful intensity, Caleb Azumah Nelson has written the most essential British debut of recent years.
Blog der Stadtbibliothek Göttingen - SuperUser Account
Von uns für Sie gelesen: "The Cockroach" von Ian McEwan. Hier schildert unsere Bibliotheksleiterin ihre Eindrücke:
Genre: Roman / Gesellschaft / Satire
Altersempfehlung: Erwachsene
Umfang: 99 Seiten
Standort: Roman englisch Gesellschaft Mace (2. OG, Fremdsprachen)
Das Buch im Katalog: Verfügbar?
Klappentext: That morning, Jim Sams, clever but by no means profound, woke from uneasy dreams to find himself transformed into a gigantic creature.
Jim Sams has undergone a metamorphosis. In his previous life he was ignored or loathed, but in his new incarnation he is the most powerful man in Britain – and it is his mission to carry out the will of the people. Nothing must get in his way: not the opposition, nor the dissenters within his own party. Not even the rules of parliamentary democracy.
With trademark intelligence, insight and scabrous humour, Ian McEwan pays tribute to Franz Kafka’s most famous work to engage with a world turned on its head.
Blog der Stadtbibliothek Göttingen - SuperUser Account
Im Rahmen ihrer Ausbildung erstellen unsere Auszubildenden zum FAMI (Fachangestellte/r für Medien- und Informationsdienste) umfangreichere Romanpräsentationen. Nun hat sich mit Alina Graf erstmals eine Auszubildende an einen englischsprachigen Text gewagt und ihre Präsentation in deutscher und englischer Sprache erstellt. Die Präsentation finden Sie zurzeit im 2. OG der Zentralbibliothek bei den fremdsprachigen Titeln.
The Language of Thorns is a collection of six short stories. These short stories are inspired by some of the most famous fairy tales like Beauty and the Beast, The Nutcracker and the villain from The Little Mermaid. They have a bit of everything for everyone including witches, mermaids and other dark, mysterious Grimm-esque fairy tales. This short story collection includes The Witch of Duva, The too-clever Fox, Little Knife and three brand new short stories.
About the Author
Leigh Badugo is the New York Times bestselling author that has written the Grisha Trilogy, the Six of Crows Duology and Language of Thorns and the recently published King of Scars. She was born in Jerusalem, grew up in Southern California and studied at Yale University. She worked in all different kinds of fields until she decided she wanted to write dark, magical books for a living. She now writes her stories in the sunny and always warm Los Angeles, California.
Why I liked the book
I really enjoyed reading this book. As a Leigh Bardugo fan, this was an absolute treat to read. Being back in the Grishaverse with this short story collection to tie me over until King of Scars comes out was just great. These short stories were beautifully crafted like everything Miss Bardugo does.
I loved the illustrations as part of each story as well as an ending especially because it brought this visualizing effect to it that made it even more enjoyable and added this special factor to this particular book.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is already a fan of Leigh Bardugo’s writing and anyone who is new because it’s a great way to be introduced into the Grishaverse.
PS. I’m not normally one for short story collections but this was definitely worth the read.
About me
My name is Alina Graf and I’m doing my apprenticeship as a library assistant in the Public Library of Göttingen. I started the apprenticeship on the 01.08.18 and am in my first year.